The monthly town board meeting will be held at the Red Cedar Town Hall, E6591 627th Avenue, Menomonie, WI on February, 9, 2015 at 6:30 p.m.
1. CALL TO ORDER – (Roll Call/quorum call/verification of public notice and approval of agenda of the Board meeting).
2. MINUTES – Review and take action on minutes of caucus (01/12/2015) and prior meeting (01/12/2015).
3. PUBLIC COMMENTS from residents of the town and other persons present.
(a) Financials – prior month’s Treasurer’s Report, including checks written, monthly receipts, and cash summary sheet; and
(b) Financials – current month’s claims, bill payments, and per diems.
(c) Building Permits – None.
5. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS – specific matters for discussion, consideration, and action by the Town Board :
(a) Patrolman – projects worked on for month, upcoming projects, and discussion on road and worker safety.
(b) Finance Committee – report of work performed and possible recommendations.
(c) Ordinance Committee – report of work performed and possible recommendations.
(1) Recommendation to approve and enact updated Citation, Fee, and Forfeiture Ordinance (which includes planning commission fee recommendations).
(d) Planning Commission – report of work performed and possible recommendations.
(1) Recommendation to approve CSM (Kothlow) to create a 5.48 acre lot on 530th Avenue at the East Quarter Corner of Sec. 33, located in the NW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Sec. 33, T28N, R12W.
(2) Recommendation to approve CSM (Brumite, LLC) to create a 5.35 acre lot at Co. Rd. J and 640th Street at the South Quarter Corner of Sec. 16, located in the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Sec. 16, T27N, R12W.
(3) Recommendation to approve fees as follows: driveway permit fee, $75.00; road construction permit fee, $250.00; rezone application fee or review of CUP/Special Exception request fee, $350.00; special meeting fee, $200.00; CSM fee, $75.00; as well as fines in the amount of double these fees.
(4) Recommendation to approve Town Road Access (Field Road/Driveways) Permit Application and Town Road (Construction) Permit Application.
(5) Recommendation to approve and enact Town Road and Driveway Ordinance.
6. BUSINESS – specific matters for discussion, consideration, and action by the Town Board:
(a) Seek bids for 730th Street (North Ney Road, STH 12 to 610th Ave.) paving – LRIP project – as a unit price for summer paving road project.
(b) Review and act on sale of Chevy/GMC truck.
(c) Enact Resolution Accepting Dedication of Town Roads for 558th Street, 553rd Street, and 507th Avenue in the Timber Ridge Subdivision.
(d) Trash related complaints at E5480 708th Avenue.
(e) Review and act on fire call – garage fire at E5602 CTH BB on 12/03/2014, Jim Moseley.
(f) Adopt policy procedures and expectations of alternate planning commission members.
(g) Updated Planning Commission Ordinance.
(h) Attendance at upcoming WTA District 2 meeting on March 27, 2015 in Eau Claire (BOR changes).
(a) Correspondence and announcements to be brought before the board. No discussion or action to be taken.
(b) Upcoming agenda items for discussion including specific items for inclusion or exclusion from future agendas.
8. NEXT MEETING – set next meeting date for Monday, March 9, 2015 at 6:30 p.m.
The full Agenda was posted by the Town Clerk at the Clerk’s Office, Town Hall, Sinz Plumbing, Value Implement, and online at at least 24 hours prior to the meeting as required by statute.
Dated: February 2, 2015 Cheryl Miller, Clerk
February 9, 2015 NOTICE OF MONTHLY BOARD MEETING – 6:30 p.m. The regular monthly town board meeting will be held at the Red Cedar Town Hall, E6591 627th Ave., Menomonie. The full agenda will be posted and includes ordinance committee recommendations to the town board re: approving and enacting updated Citation, Fee, Forfeiture Ord., including planning commission fee recommendations; planning commission recommendations to town board re: approving Kothlow CSM, Brumite CSM, driveway permit fee of $75.00, road construction permit fee of $250.00, rezone application fee or review of CUP/special exception fee of $350.00, special meeting fee of $200.00, CSM fee of $75.00, and fines in the amount of double the fees, approval of driveway and road construction permits, and approval and enactment of Town Road and Driveway Ordinance; 730th Street LRIP paving project; sale of Chevy/GMC truck; act on Resolution Accepting Dedication of Town Roads for 558th St., 553rd St., and 507th Ave. in the Timber Ridge Subdivision; trash complaints at E5480 708th Ave.; fire call for garage fire at E5602 CTH BB on 12/3/2014; discuss and act on procedures and expectations of alternate planning commission members; act on review and update of planning commission ordinance; and upcoming WTA District 2 meeting on 03/27/2015 in Eau Claire.