The regular monthly town board meeting will be held at the Red Cedar Town Hall, E6591 627th Ave., Menomonie, on Monday, February 10, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. The full agenda will be posted and includes discussion and possible action on Govins, LLC’s request for a town recommendation to Dunn County to grant a variance and/or conditional use permit to allow weddings, receptions, and special occasion events to occur on the property located at E6544 627th Avenue in the Rusk area; ATV/UTV Ordinance for portions of 410th Ave., 430th Ave., 610th St., and 420th Ave; Winter Road Ordinance; Town Road and Driveway Ordinance; purchase and financing of new snow plow truck; snow plowing contract for private driveways, parking lots, and roads; review of 5-year road construction projects; and tractor upgrade.