08-28-2020 Agenda Special TB
8-28-2020 Agenda Special TB
Town of Red Cedar, Dunn County, Wisconsin USA
08-11-2020 Fall Partisan Primary Posting Notice
VOTING BY ABSENTEE BALLOT – Fall 2020 Please note that a recent appeals court decision limits early voting to two weeks before an election, changes voter residency from 10 days to 28 days, and restricts clerks from sending ballots to regular voters via email or fax.
Topic: Town of Red Cedar Solid Waste & Recycling Meeting Time: Jul 13, 2020 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/75307778370?pwd=aWlhZlJJV3pNWlVQVjM3dG9ZOFBBUT09 Meeting ID: 753 0777 8370 Passcode: 1y3HtY
Solid Waste Informational Sheet 6-15-2020
Click on the word Survey below to complete the survey: Survey