ALL DOGS OVER THE AGE OF 5 MONTHS MUST BE LICENSED IN THE TOWN OF RED CEDAR EACH YEAR. Dog licenses are valid for the year issued and expire on December 31st of each year. Dog licenses are to be purchased on an annual basis after January 1st. Proof of rabies vaccination (a copy of an up-to-date Rabies Vaccination Certificate) is required before a license will be issued.
Fee per dog is $7.00 Fixed — $12.00 Intact/Unfixed — and $45.00 Multiple (Kennel).
A $5.00 late fee will be assessed if a dog owner fails to obtain a license prior to April 1st of each year, or within 30 days of acquiring ownership of a licensable dog or establishing residency in the Town of Red Cedar. Please notify the Town Treasurer if you no longer own your dog that was licensed in the Town of Red Cedar this year or last year.
Please note: Additional fines and penalties for failure to obtain required licensing may be assessed as follows: Wis. Stats. 174.042 ($25.00-$100.00 for 1st offense; $50.00-$200.00 for 2nd offense); Wis. Stats. 174.15 (up to $500.00); and/or Town Ordinance #2022-4 ($50.00 for 1st offense; $100.00 for 2nd offense).
Contact the Town Treasurer at (715) 556-5063 for additional information or to obtain a dog license.